Earlier this month, the 14th Annual Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame banquet took place in Billings, where the organization honored my dad, Doug Averill, with the Western Heritage Award. Every year, this award is given to individuals who have contributed to rodeo and the Western way of life in Montana. Now, as you can likely imagine, I’ve grown up with Doug and learned from him what it was like to live and love the cowboy way of life. There’s not many men that still exist like Doug and to see him be honored with this award for the man he is made me proud and humble, all at once.

As part of the banquet, the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame did a write-up on Doug and we thought it would be appropriate to share some of the tidbits they included about him:
- Doug is a third-generation Montanan who grew up with eight brothers on his family’s ranch.
- While he’s had a rich life, one element he has focused on has been to share, teach and promote the cowboy and ranch lifestyle to families around the world as he welcomes them to Montana, Flathead Lake Lodge and Quarter Circle LA Ranches.
- He’s a wealth of knowledge when it comes to cattle and horse ranching, as well a ranch, farm and recreational management.
- Throughout his life, Doug has had a unique outlook on what to offer guests in Montana. Throughout his 44 years of running the lodge, his accomplishments include bison ranches, tree farms, sailboats, restoring historic ranches, creating a 500-acre elk preserve and continuing to teach the next generation about ranching and the cowboy way of life.
- He’s received the highest civilian honor awarded by the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff and has hosted military leaders from 104 countries on the shores of Flathead Lake.
Doug and Maureen (AKA Dad and Mom). Doug Averill.
To Doug, we’re proud to call you our dad and grandpa. Thanks for showing us what it’s like to live a life fully and with intention.